Over the past few years, more and more research has been showing that individuals suffering from knee arthritis have significantly better results than those having arthroscopic surgery.
Note: Are you an athlete or a weekend warrior living in Oakville or Burlington and you know you do not perform at your peak? Check with our physiotherapists from the Oakville and Burlington physio clinics.
Physiotherapist design and tailor a program that suits each individual needs. This is important because we are not all alike.
Evidence #1
Reference: N Engl J Med 2008 Sept 11; 359(11)
This study looked at arthroscopic surgery in patients with moderate to severe arthritis of the knee.
Patients were randomly assigned to :
Arthroscope and Physiotherapy treatment
Physiotherapy treatment only
Conclusion: Even 2 years after the study, those in the physiotherapy only group did as well as those in the surgical group. The key difference was that those in the surgical group had the surgical risks associated with all surgeries and post operative pain while those in the physiotherapy group only did not.
Remember: Physiotherapy is more than exercises. Some generic ones are important but you should discuss these with your therapist to avoid aggravating the joints further.
Evidence #2
Reference: Ann of Internal Med. 2000 Feb 1; 132(3)
This study looked at the effectiveness of Manual Trained Physiotherapists (like those trained at Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics Oakville and Burlington) on patients with arthritis of the knee.
Patients were randomly assigned to:
Manual Physiotherapy treatment
Placebo treatment only
(a) The patients in the group receiving the Specialized Training of the Physiotherapists did statistically and significantly better than those in the placebo group.
(b) The Specialized Manual Training of the Physiotherapists lasted for up to a year later.
(c) A year later, 20% had undergone a knee replacement whereas in the group receiving the Physiotherapy Manual Treatment, less than 5% received surgery.
SO: These studies show that surgery is not the best option for arthritis and that it will likely lengthen the time before any surgical intervention is done.
Why deal with surgical risks and pain, if you are not going to be better for it??
Physiotherapy is more than exercises. Some generic ones are important but you should discuss these with your therapist to avoid aggravating the joints further.
If you have questions regarding arthritis, please do not hesitate to contact one of our therapists at Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics in Oakville and Burlington at 905-849-4576.
We are located only 6 min East of Oakville Place and 4 min East of Whole Foods Market on Cornwall Rd.
The Burlington physio clinic is located only 6 min north-west of Joseph Brant Hospital and 2 min south-west of Mapleview Shopping Centre, on Plains Rd East.