Well, virtually that is.
The world is changing dramatically day to day. There are a lot of unknowns. At times like this, we need to take stock of what we can do better and adapt with the times. At Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic, we are always adapting to better serve our customers. These days are no different. With the technology and, now the immediate need, we can continue to help those injured to attain better health.
Like all of you, we are taking our part in trying to help contain the spread of Covid-19 to help us all get past this faster. We are ensuring that only the essential services are working to prevent furthering the spread.
We take the health of our staff and patients seriously. We believe that, despite our doors being closed temporarily, we can help you make your health a priority by staying VIRTUALLY open for your questions.
1.Many services have moved to online to assist you with your health goals.
- i.e., Gyms are offering online classes – take advantage of these – if you are looking for suggestions, contact us and we will point you in the right direction
2. Occasionally go out and get fresh air – go for a walk while maintaining social distancing
3. Go to a field and practice your footwork or shots on net
4. Shoot the puck in the backyard
5. Do your therapy and get rid of that nasty _______(insert injury here).
6. Use The Extra Time You Have :
- you are not likely commuting;
- you are not likely getting together/socializing as normal;
- you aren’t taking part in that sports or recreational league you normally go to;
- you are no longer your childrens taxi/uber driver
We can help with:
- Video Tele-Health appointments
- Our software offers private and secure consults for:
-Concussion Management - Want a quick tip, advice on an injury, or a quick question. We will be offering free consults daily.
- Want to have an injury assessed, a treatment plan created, or simply how to progress your plan further, we have regular in-depth appointments available (exercises can be sent electronically with video attached)
- Our software offers private and secure consults for:
- Quick Phone Consults
- This can be done for simple questions from existing patients only
How It Works
Contact your therapist directly or contact our clinic:
Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic
Let us know your name, and if you require an assessment, follow up visit, or a quick free consult.
You will be directed to one of our 11 therapists to determine a time
We have served, and been a part, of the community for over 15 years. We will continue to help protect your health while offering you the ability to get healthier
Online Booking…stay tuned
For more info, contact Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic at 905-849-4576.
We are located only 6 min East of Oakville Place and 4 min from Oakville & Milton Humane Society.
The Burlington physio clinic is located only 6 min north-west of Joseph Brant Hospital and 2 min south-west of Mapleview Shopping Centre, on Plains Rd East.