Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic Oakville & Burlington

Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic Oakville & Burlington

Persistent Headaches, Earaches, and Facial Pains can be Treated by your Physiotherapist


Oakville: Common Signs Symptoms Concussion Recovery Program

Persistent Headaches, Earaches, and Facial Pains can be Treated by your Physiotherapist

Did you know that your physio can effectively evaluate and treat TMJ (temporalmandibular joint) pains? Many dentists and physicians refer their patients with persistent headaches, earaches, and facial pains related to the TMJ to physios. Sometimes TMJ conditions are disabling, however can be managed with education, effective home exercise programs, and gentle mobilizations.

Note: Are you an athlete or a weekend warrior living in Oakville or Burlington and you know you do not perform at your peak? Check with our physiotherapists from the Oakville and Burlington physio clinics.

Try this:

The lateral pterygoid muscle is often times quite tender in most individuals with TMJ issues or bruxism (the involuntary/habitual grinding of teeth, typically during sleep). Place your index finger inside the mouth. Apply GENTLE pressure towards the head direction, underneath the zygomatic arch. Start with gentle pressure, and gradually increase the muscle squeeze as tolerable–there is no need to go into pain.  Compare left versus right. If you find that this area around your jaw is tender, you can self-massage the area for 1 minute several times per day. Sometimes, relief of the headache, jaw, or other facial pain is sometimes immediate.

If you have a question regarding your headache, ear-ache, or facial pain, contact us here. If you would like to see your Sheddon Therapist In Oakville or Burlington, book your appointment today!

pterygoid muscle Sheddon Physioyherapy Sports Clinic Oakville Mississauga

For more info, contact Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics Oakville Burlington at 905-849-4576.

We are located only 6 min East of Oakville Place and 7 min from Oakville Go Station.

The Burlington physio clinic is located only 6 min north-west of Joseph Brant Hospital and 2 min south-west of Mapleview Shopping Centre, on Plains Rd East.

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