Just because you don’t have an injury doesn’t mean you don’t need physiotherapy, athletic therapy, massage or chiropractic care. Research has shown that the majority of injuries can be prevented. Some of the main risk factors for injuries include tight muscles, strength deficits, imbalances, poor proprioception and lack of stability. All of these issues can be assessed and treated at Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics in Oakville and Burlington, PRIOR to an injury in order to ensure athletes stay active and healthy. Injury prevention strategies include targeted exercise programs, functional movement screens to identify at risk athletes, sport specific assessment and rehabilitation, as well as preventative massage therapy and core strengthening.
Note: Sheddon’s physiotherapists from the Oakville and Burlington Physio Clinics are prepared and determined to help you get back to the sport you like.
ACL Injury Prevention
ACL injuries continue to be one of the most common and devastating sports injuries. As many as 1 in 20 collegiate-level and 1 in 50 high school-level athletes sustain an ACL injury during any given year of varsity sports. But what can be done to prevent this? It has been shown that preventative rehabilitation and neuromuscular exercises can help reduce ACL risk by anywhere from 24% to 82%. The team at Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic can help you understand how to prevent ACL injuries by teaching you strategies which could help to overcome vulnerable positions such as cutting, landing and twisting, as well as improve strength, flexibility and proprioception.
Functional Movement Screen/Injury Prevention Screening
Core Strength
Concussion management programs have become a major focus in sports medicine clinics due to  increased public awareness and recognition of concussions. In order to know when an athlete has fully recovered from a concussion, the different areas of the brain that could potentially be affected with a concussion must be assessed. These different test results need be compared to pre-injury values in order to know when an athlete has returned to their normal pre-concussion baseline values. As such, the best way to ensure that you return to sport safely following a concussion is to get baseline tested before a concussion even occurs. At Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic we offer the most comprehensive concussion baseline testing of any sports medicine clinic in the Mississauga and Oakville area.
Individualized Therapeutic Exercise Program
If you’re not an athlete but would love to start becoming more active and leading a healthier lifestyle, we can also help you out. At Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic, our physiotherapists can tailor a personalized exercise program, just for you, while taking into consideration your age, lifestyle, medical conditions and stamina. Whether you’re looking to maintain muscle tone, control your weight, increase your energy level, prevent injury or reduce pain, we can help get you started on the right track.
Sport Specific Conditioning
Golf Specific Rehabilitation
Sheddon Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic has certified providers who are trained in golf injury prevention. During your initial visit, a physical assessment will be completed in order to identify any areas of weakness or potential limitations. They will also assess different movement patterns that may affect a player’s golf swing and potentially lead to injury.
Running Gait Analysis
Whether you’re training for a marathon or a 5km race, if your running technique is inefficient, the constant pounding you’re doing is eventually going to lead to an injury. At Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic we perform a general physical assessment, as well as a biomechanical running analysis to identify any deficiencies. Once specific limitations and faulty movement patterns are identified, runners will be given specific exercises, as well as some guidelines on running technique in order to maximize their running and prevent injury.
Don’t wait for an injury to sideline you. Contact Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics in Oakville and Burlington right now and prevent those future injuries from ever happening.
For more info, contact Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic at 905-849-4576.
We are located less than 10 min from Sheridan College Oakville and 4 min East from Oakville & Milton Humane Society.
The Burlington physio clinic is located only 5 min west of Spencer Smith Park and 6 min north-west of Burlington Beach, on Plains Rd East.