Appropriate rest between sets must be taken to get the most out of your workout: too much time means not enough work is being done to stimulate growth; and too little time will fatigue your muscles. So where do you find the sweet spot–this actually depends on what you want to achieve.
Note: Are you an athlete or a weekend warrior living in Oakville or Burlington and you know you do not perform at your peak? Check with our physiotherapists from the Oakville and Burlington physio clinics.
Burn Fat
Keep your repetitions at 12+ with 30-second breaks. Shorter rest time allows your heart to maintain a high BPM (beats per minute), allowing your metabolism to work in overdrive to shed that fat!
Build Muscle
Allow the repetitions to be between 8-10 reps with a heavy weight for 1 to 2 minutes. This allows you to eloquently balance between exhausting your muscles and resting long enough to recover for more sets. .
Increase Strength
To increase strength, you should be challenging your muscles all the time–push to go all out every lift with for 3-5 repetitions with 2 to 5 minutes. To get the most out of your workout, working to increase strength means pushing almost at your maximum weight. The heavier the weight, the more energy is required for muscle fiber recruitment and this needs more time to recover.
Please remember to consult a health professional before attempting these types of exercises. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your Sheddon Physiotherapists from our Oakvillel and Burlington clinics at (905) 849-4576
We are located only 6 min East of Oakville Place and 7 min from Oakville Go Station.
The Burlington physio clinic is located only 8 min north-east of LaSalle Park and 10 min north of Burlington Golf & Country Club, on Plains Rd East.