Concussions in sports are not a new concern, but our understanding of them and their consequences has evolved significantly in recent years. While concussion awareness has grown, so too has the need for effective tools to assess and manage these injuries. One of the pivotal developments in this field has been the emergence of concussion baseline testing. Continue reading to learn more about what concussion baseline testing entails and why concussion baseline testing has emerged as a game-changer in the world of sports. From providing a baseline reference point for cognitive and physical performance to playing a vital role in determining when it is safe for athletes to return to their sport.
Note: Sheddon’s therapists from the Oakville and Burlington Physio Clinics are prepared and licensed to test you and your team.
Why Is A Concussion Baseline Test Important?
Concussions are often referred to as “invisible injuries” because they don’t necessarily manifest clear physical symptoms. This invisibility has made diagnosing and managing concussions a complex challenge. The most recent International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport suggests “ completing comprehensive baseline testing prior to the start of the season offers health care professionals valuable and objective information to help them make difficult return to play decisions. It also provides an additional educative opportunity to teach athletes about concussions .” Furthermore, the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, Ontario Psychological Association, The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine, and the Center for Disease and Control all support and recommend the use of baseline testing.
Concussion baseline testing is crucial for:
Objective Assessment: Concussion baseline testing offers an objective measurement of cognitive and physical function, reducing the subjectivity often associated with self-reported symptoms.
Safe Return to Play: Athletes can be cleared for return to play only when their post-injury test results match or exceed their baseline scores. This ensures that they have fully recovered and reduces the risk of returning too soon.
Educational Tool: Baseline testing serves as an educational tool for athletes, coaches, and parents, raising awareness about the common signs and symptoms following a concussions and the importance of proper injury management.
What is a Concussion Baseline Test?

A concussion baseline test is a series of assessments conducted on an individual before they experience a concussion. These tests establish a baseline of the individual’s cognitive and physical functions when they are in a healthy state. Unfortunately, there is no single clinical test that can be done to diagnose a concussion or to know when an athlete has fully recovered from a concussion. Therefore, in order to help with diagnosis and to know when an athlete has fully recovered from a concussion, the different areas of the brain that are affected with a concussion must be assessed, including:
- Balance;
- Strength;
- Memory;
- Reaction time;
- Neurocognitive performance;
- and visual processing.
These different test results need to be compared to pre-injury values in order to know when an athlete has sustained a concussion and when they have returned to their normal pre-concussion baseline values. As such, the best way to ensure that you return to sport safely following a concussion is to get baseline tested before a concussion even occurs.
Why Choose Sheddon for Concussion Baseline Testing?

We offer the most comprehensive concussion baseline testing of any sports medicine clinic in the Mississauga, Burlington and Oakville area. All the therapists at Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinics in Oakville and Burlington have undergone extensive training with the Complete Concussion Management program to be educated with the most recent research-proven concussion management strategies.
In addition, we have successfully treated hundreds of sports-related concussions and have an extensive network of specialists, including a sports medicine physician, vestibular physiotherapists, chiropractors, and athletic therapists. If you are interested in learning more about our concussion baseline testing for individual athletes or teams, please contact us at 905-849-4576.
Sheddon is excited to announce we will be holding an open Concussion Baseline Testing Day
WHO: Any athlete/any sport
Where: Sheddon Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic at 1300 Cornwall Unit 103
When: September 30th 2023 between 8am-12pm (you must pre-book prior to the day as space is limited)
Cost: 70$/athlete (covered under physiotherapy with your extended health plan)
If you are interested in participating in this event, please fill out the google form here or email Dana at
Frequently Asked Questions
- The season has already started, are we too late for concussion baseline tests?
NO! Preseason is the ideal time for testing, but anytime during the year prior to a concussion is better than no baseline.
- WIll the cost be covered through my insurance?
The cost of the baseline is covered under most Extended Health Plans since it is administered by a physiotherapist.
- My child had a baseline done over a year ago, why should we do it again?
As young athletes mature, their baseline scores can change greatly from one year to the next. Therefore, it is recommended that athletes get a baseline at the beginning of each season.
- My team did the impact test preseason, isn’t that good enough?
No! Computerized neuropsychological tests, such as the ImPACT test are only assessing one aspect of concussions, neurocognitive function. In order to properly manage concussions a baseline test must be multidimensional, assessing the full spectrum of concussion outcomes (i.e., balance, reaction time, visual processing, physical capacity AND neurocognitive function).
- It’s not mandatory for my childs team, why should I do it?
Concussion baseline tests are becoming widely used in many sports at all levels. Although not mandatory (yet) in all high-risk sports, it is one of the most important and effective tools for concussion management. Without a baseline test there is no way to accurately know when an athlete has fully recovered from a concussion. Research has shown that concussion symptoms improve much sooner than brain recovery, which may put athletes at risk for returning to sport too quickly, especially if sport clearance is based solely on symptoms.
- Do we have to come with a team?
We offer athletes the opportunity to come on a specific “concussion baseline day” at a discounted rate, but if you cannot fit that into your schedule then any of our therapists can complete the baseline on a date that works for you.
We are located only 7 min from Oakville Go Station and 10 min from Sheridan College Oakville.
The Burlington physio clinic is located only 2 min south of IKEA Burlington and 6 min north of Burlington Golf & Country Club, on Plains Rd East.